Christmas Baking

Crafting this year really seems to be going in phases.  Last month I was knitting for England and December has been filled with baking!!

Along with all the mince parcels and chocolate scones for the Christmas Fairs, this last couple of weeks I’ve been making little vanilla sponge raisin buns and banana and bran cakes.

Vanilla sponge raisin cakes

First up are the vanilla sponge raisin cakes.  I took these to the kids dance class Christmas party.  A very simple all-in-one sponge mix with added raisins!  They taste delicious – thanks to Delia Smith for the basic sponge recipe!

I had to add some buttercream though to make them look nice!

Vanilla sponge raisin cakes

My husband has gone mad over banana and bran loaf recently.  I think I’m on my fourth in as many weeks!  This one has been taken to his office for a pre-Christmas treat!

Banana and bran loaf

A fabulous way to use up over-ripe bananas.  It’s lovely on its own or with a little butter.

Well it’s back to the knitting at last!  I have my own Christmas stocking garland to finish before the big day!

Happy Christmas crafting