I’m always struggling with my little one asking for a snack after school. I seem to have got into a routine with a couple of other parents to bring something to school at pick up time for the kids, and it’s usually chocolate or sweets. But I’m starting to experiment with other ideas.
Over the half term we made some little sponge buns using up leftover blueberries and banana, so I thought I’d have another go. This time I made larger buns, but I didn’t mix the banana slices and blueberries into the mix. I put a teaspoon of mix in each case, then added 3 slices of banana and 5 blueberries to each one, and topped it with another teaspoon of cake mix. That way each cake had the same amount of fresh fruit added.

They went down very well with the kids (and the Mums). I shall have to try some other fruit combinations. I wonder what we’ll get in our veg box this week?
I’ve also tried some vanilla and raisin buns. This time mixing the raisins into the cake mix.

These are delicious and I thank Delia for her all-in-one sponge recipe.
I think it’s a change from the packet crisps, sweets and chocolate. And it must be better for them, having some fruit in there. Plus is definitely more satisfying knowing what they’ve had, making it yourself and costing less.
Happy baking