Feel good baking

With being off my feet for a few days, I really needed a pick-me-up.  So I thought I’d see if I could manage to do a bit of baking.  We didn’t have much in the baking cupboard, so it was  a case of making do with what I could find.

I started off with a basic all-in-one sponge mix and added some vanilla essence and fresh blueberries.  The second batch was another all-in-one sponge mix with cocoa powder, m&m’s and mini marshmallows!  They only take a few minutes to bake in the oven and were lovely and moist.

For the icing, I combined vanilla essence with a little water and icing sugar for the blueberry buns.  The chocolate buns are topped with chocolate spread and Halloween hundreds and thousands.


Chocolate and Marshmallow

Vanilla and Blueberry

They may be simple, but they do taste good. And they certainly cheered me up (and the rest of the family).

Happy baking