
Once again I am waiting for Alice – this time at her tuition class.  But this time I opted for wandering around town for a bit before going for a drink in Costa!  I headed over to TK Maxx, as I love it in there and I haven’t been in for ages.  It’s always good for a browse and they have recently been stocking a few (often rather random) craft items.  I decided to give the clothes a miss and headed straight for the home décor, kitchen and gardening sections.  I was hoping to be spoilt for choice with papers, kits and accessories, but I was disappointed.  There were plenty of gorgeous notebooks, gift bags and painting tings, but nothing I could really justify So I browsed round the clearance aisles and found myself a complete bargain – right at the back of the bottom shelf – an A3 glass cutting mat for only £5 (RRP £19.99).  I’m so glad I went.  I’ve wanted one for ages and always forget when I’m out and about.  It proves it’s always worth routing  in the clearance items too!


Thrilled with my bargain I felt quite cheery and browsed around the other aisles looking for some ideas and maybe a bit of inspiration.  I saw some lovely knitted cushion covers which made me want to completely redecorate the living room.  I will have to shelve that idea for the time being as the kittens are still doing a decent job of wrecking the joint, so I think we’ll leave that one for a little while.  I also saw an owl doorstop which reminded me of the pattern from an early issue of Craftseller magazine that I was going to crochet.  I really could do with a doorstop for my bedroom, I’m currently using my dance shoe bag which is not ideal – I’m forever tripping over the handles!  So that’s risen to the top of my to-do list – after my current order list and school teacher gifts that is!

owl doorstop craftseller mag

I also picked up a set of cupcake cases and little flags which I think will be great for some Summer baking in the holidays.  They were only £2 and are covered in little flowers, butterflies and ladybirds – what more could a seven year old want for her cakes?!

Time to collect Alice now, so

Happy crafting


I decided to have a wander into the town today.  The weather has perked up – well it’s not raining – but it’s not quite lie out by the pool conditions just yet.

I started out at the bottom of the hill and had a walk on the beach.  It’s a lovely place, great for a family.  As is customary, I had a look for any interesting shells to take home for Alice,  There were loads, so I was disappointed.  Most were cockle shells but there were a few scallops too, all quite a bit larger than the one’s I’ve found on the beaches at home though.  I love hunting for ‘treasure’ on the beach, it’s so therapeutic and exciting looking at all the shapes and colours and how they change in the seawater.  I could do this for hours, but my handbag was starting to get heavy with all my finds, so I had a quick rationalise of them and headed off looking for holiday gifts for the family at home.

I saw an interesting shop selling tie-die and batik style clothing, so I had to have a look.  I found a lovely dress for Alice with a smocked top which I reckon she’ll be able to use as a skirt as she gets taller.  Bartering is not my forte, but I managed to get 3 Euros off the price.  Well, I was pleased anyway!  I’m sure Alice ill love the dress too.

It was starting to get hot, so I popped into a shop for a postcard – I know I’ll speak to home but I still think it’s nice to send a postcard.  Mind you, I’m rubbish at putting them in the right boxes.  Fingers crossed it arrives home before I do.  I checked where the postbox was this time.

Time to have a drink and a swim to cool off now I reckon!


Happy Holidays