Well last week was a very unusual one for everyone. We spent the week mostly in and around the house, which is not that unusual for me, but it’s been strange having my husband and daughter at home as well. Fortunately the weather was lovely and I spent a lot of time outside, reading and doing some garden tidying. I really love being out in the garden and I would very much like to be doing more out there, but being unable to go to a garden centre is limiting how much I can actually do.

My garden in Spring
My husband bought me a book for our anniversary last year, ‘This Golden Fleece‘ by Esther Rutter. It’s basically a trip through knitting history, where the author travels around the country discovering knitting traditions and having a go at following old methods. It’s quite an interesting read and as she travels somewhere new each month, I’ve been trying to read a chapter every month. (I’m also reading other novels as well). I’m finding at the moment, that I would like to have had a pattern in each chapter as well, but as I have plenty of patterns to work through, I don’t really need any more just now.
I set myself a New Year’s Resolution to read more and to finish my enormous reading pile. My aim being to read at least one book a month. So far I have finished 9 books! I think these strange times will further increase my reading, particularly as I am encouraging my daughter to read for at least half an hour each day and I am trying my best to settle down at the same time and read too.
Crafting hasn’t been something I have felt much like doing this week. I managed to finish off a couple of card orders before school was closed, but I just haven’t had the inclination to pick up anything at all! I keep looking at the enormous pile of unfinished projects sat by the settee in the living room, thinking I must actually finish some of them off. I will at some point, probably when I’ve done everything else I can think of to do instead! Talk about procrastination.
My craft space has been transformed into a home office for my husband, so making cards is more difficult at the moment. I really do feel like making something, but what I don’t know, and I would very much like to have my space back. I moved my old record player from my Mum’s last year, and it’s a great opportunity to listen to some of my small vinyl collection while I peruse the various card and paper stashes. Anyway, that’s off limits for the foreseeable future, so I will have to get to grips with a routine that includes utilising the kitchen table and includes craft sessions for my daughter!
It’s surprising how much I have wanted to bake though – I think it has something to do with the lack of chocolate in the house and the need for comfort eating. So I have made some delicious peanut butter cookies and a gooseberry crumble. Both very simple things to make but very tasty.

Sometimes you just need baking!
Stay safe and happy crafting.