Cat Wedding!

I was asked the other day to make a card by one of my neighbours. Nothing odd there. She needed a card for a wedding, again not that unusual. But it was for a cat wedding! I had to clarify this, was this a wedding for 2 cats then? No, phew! It was for a friend who would be wearing black and is mad about cats.

So where do you start? I went routing through all my crafty stash for anything remotely connected with weddings, cats, and as the dress was to be black, I thought a black and white theme might not be a bad idea. I then spent the best part of an hour thinking up ideas and hoping for divine inspiration.

I eventually hit upon my logo! My business card has 2 cats with heart tails, so why not use that. I drew the cats freehand on to white and black card blanks using black fineliners, then coloured them in using secura pens – black metallic and matt white. Inside I added inserts ‘with love’ and ‘on your special day’. Then added a freehand border using secura pens to the cards and the envelopes.

My neighbour bought the tall white card, so I have a couple of black ones left for the future!

I was quite pleased with how they all turned out. What do you think?

Happy crafting