Christmas Craft Stall

With less than a week to go to my first ever craft fair, I had a day of making lists and designing my stall.

I started by making some bunting using offcuts of paper and card. Much fun was had with my daughter threading the bunting on to string! I’ll be hanging this around my table display. I then had a real root around the house looking for my table cloths and possible display items. A salad bowl and cake stand have come in very handy!

I didn’t realise how long it would take to set everything up as I wanted it. In spite of the very low temperatures, I was boiling hot after an hour of display arranging. I roped in my husband to take some photos so I can replicate the layout next weekend.

In addition to my cards, I will also have some knitted gifts, tree decorations and small heart-shaped gift boxes. I will be taking some of my non-Christmas cards as well, but I’ve tried to keep the main display as Christmassy as possible.




I have now realised that I need to make more gift tags and Christmas cards!

I would love to know what you think of my first display. Drop me a comment.

See you at Summerseat Methodist Church on Saturday 10th November at 11am.

Happy Crafting