Fruity keyrings

Since the knitted apples went down so well with the teachers at the end of term, I have been knitting away making more.  But I have branched out a bit from just apples, making an entire fruit-bowl full of edible looking summer fruits!



I’ve really enjoyed experimenting to make these. I think my favourites are the little cherries and the pineapple!

Cherry keyring

Cherry keyring

Pineapple keyring

Pineapple keyring

I’m currently working on a banana and a plum design, and I might see if I can manage a bunch of grapes!

I shall be selling them at £4 each, and I’d love to know what you think of them. Drop me a line at, visit my facebook page ( or tweet me @crafty_kath

They make me feel very summery!

Happy crafting