New knitting shop

I was driving home from a day out a couple of weeks ago and happened to notice we have a new knitting shop at the bottom of Walmersley Road. Hoorah! It’s so nice to see a new crafty shop not too far from home.

With the end of the holidays looming and my running out of things to do with my little one, I decided a trip down to ‘Debs Cable Knits’ would use up some time and give me the chance to have a browse at all the yarns in stock. We walked the mile and a half, on the promise that we would go to the park on the way home. I wasn’t disappointed. The shop is small, and packed with yarns and handmade soaps. It smells lovely when you walk in.

The owners are very welcoming. We bought a box of soaps and bath fizzers as a present for my friends daughter. We were encouraged to smell everything ( my daughter loved this) and we made up the box with items of our own choice. In addition I had a look at the yarns and could quite happily have spent a small fortune. Great quality. I bought a lovely lilac baby yarn and some cream cotton. I’ve also got my eye on a crochet pattern book.

They are also stocking local makers work, and have offered me the chance to sell some of my knitting and crochet as ell as some of my cards. So I’m going to work on a basket of goodies for them to stock. Hopefully when all are back in school I will be able to get back into some concentrated making.

Lets hope that this shop stays in business and we have a well visited local artisan shop.

Happy crafting


Like many families, I have a run of birthdays in certain times of the year. We have loads in January and February and then again in August and September. So the last few weeks I’ve been trying to fit in making some cards for my own use! It’s not always easy finding the time to make cards for us to use as a family, particularly in the Summer holidays. Every time I get some things out to use, my daughter wants to use all the same stuff! Typical I suppose, it doesn’t matter if I gave her some things for her to use, she just wants to do the same as me. It’s starting to get very expensive!!

Anyway, I have a few male birthdays in the family around this time of year and they all have their hobbies. Not all of them are easy to find relevant toppers for either. My brother turned 40 this year and he loves football, so I dug out some footballing paper. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of being 40, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with it. So I made this explosion card using lots of different papers and then cut out the numbers and added them on small paper springs, so that they popped out. I like the effect, not to sure he was as thrilled with it!! Ha ha.

Exploding 40th Birthday Card

Next was a friend that I used to work with, he’s fairly recently bought a small boat and likes to spend his weekends, messing about on it. Finding boats to add to cards is reasonably straightforward. I hope he liked it!

Sailing Birthday Card

Next week is my hubby’s birthday, but he’s off to the USA on a work trip. So this year , for one year only, he’s having his birthday early this weekend. He is a major cycle fiend and loves both watching track and road cycling, and road cycling himself. He’s been taking part in the Global Corporate Challenge this Summer and has been out on his bake even more than usual. Trying to find good quality road bike toppers and papers is really difficult. I found a small set a few years ago and that has come out again for his birthday card. This one was chosen by my daughter.

Cyclist Birthday Card

I hope they all liked their cards, as I had some fun making them. It’s good to have some card making time again. I have lots more ideas for some cards that I hope to be able to fit in over the holidays!

Happy birthday crafting


The other day I had a request for a card with a dinosaur theme! With a daughter that loves dinosaurs I thought this would be relatively easy to find something with dinosaurs on. Surely there would be baking papers and some pictures of dinosaurs somewhere in the house.

Alas I was wrong. I couldn’t find anything, so it was time to get the pens out and start drawing. I decided as the card was for a little girl starting school, that I would go with a cuter style dinosaur. My daughter certainly approved of the diplodocus. I thought instead of colouring the picture by hand, I would paper-piece the scene together. It was great to practice my cutting skills, although very time consuming.

It’s not quite finished as I’m either going to add a speech bubble with a personalised good luck message from the diplodocus, or a stegosaurus with a personalised leaf.

I’d love some feedback on this one, what do you think of the idea?

Dinosaur Card

Happy crafting